LittleBigAwoglet 2

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LittleBigAwoglet 2 is the sequel to LittleBigAwoglet. It was made using Construct 2, and is available for Windows, OSX and Linux, and you can also play it in the browser.

It is generally better than the first game. It introduced objects other than the Box, as well as saving and loading (and as of recently, uploading and getting levels to/from a remote server) and a lot of other stuff, like music and powerups.



note that this is a concept

In the beginning of Awoglet's battle against Seohlry, Awoglet suddenly gets transported into another world by a big energy beam, leaving Seohlry confused. The time for Awoglet's world is stopped.

Awoglet gets transported into the world of Boxia, a place inhabited by creatures made out of various materials. He is greeted by the king, Missael, who tells him that he's here to save their world from the evil race of Dark Matters, who want to steal all of the physics power on Boxia for their own evil doings.

Awoglet travels through multiple different worlds, such as Fuckshit (inhabited by Fuckers) and Whireath (inhabited by White Matters), in order to reach the world Dark Matters call home, Voidland.

After Voidland collapses, Awoglet returns back to the Moon. As he returns, the time starts again. Awoglet then pulls out a gun out of nowhere and shoots Seohlry. When he tries to collect the golden disk, he suddenly realizes that its a trap!

The disk explodes and Awoglet gets launched into Mars, where he avoids a ton of missiles. He finds and collects the real golden disk, and is then transported back into Earth with the energy beam from before, with all of the fire seemingly gone.


The game, as of writing this, has 5 likes and more than 10 followers on its GameJolt page. I think that counts as "good" ratings.